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Lynette Roggenbuck

Official Author Website 


Lynette Roggenbuck Author

I wrote a winning Young Authors story in Michigan when I was in kindergarten called The Apple Writer. Since then, I wrote my first novel when I was sixteen and I've been hooked. I have concocted an evil plot to get published using hard work, determination, and an iron suit with the power to ignore rejection letters. (I plan on using the rejection letters to roast marshmallows as I adore smores.)


I plan on becoming a published author (and take over the world. Muhahaha!)


Follow my evil schemes here or on my Facebook page.

Welcome to my webpage where I begin my writing journey to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. MUHAHAHAHA! Through writing, of course. No one will suspect that course of action. It's brilliant. 

You are perhaps wondering where my love of stories and writing began. Personally, I blame my mother. She introduced me to stories like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings at a very young age. She used to even make up her own stories that she would tell us at lunchtime. It was amazing. Her stories were heroic and funny.

Lynette Roggenbuck author
Lynette Roggenbuck author

Short Stories

The Evil Within: A Fairy Tale Villians Anthology
Short Story: Heart of Stone

FrostFire Worlds Magazine

May 2018


 Menagerie de Mythique
Story: Bloodletting

Available on Amazon and Kindle


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